I know how much the Sherwood and Dady Families were really hoping and praying that Jax would be a fan of their beloved "Black and Gold". However, there are better plans for my son. He is a Skins fan!!! I know what you're thinking......sure he's young, easily influenced, wants to make his dad proud..... However, I had a long talk with him and told him to pick which ever team made him happy. I would be proud either way. He looked at me and said "Dad, I want you to dress me in my Skins outfit and let me watch their game. Then, I want you to change me and put me in my Steelers outfit and let me watch their game. I will let you know which team is my favorite after I have watched and cheered for both". I told him I was proud of him and I followed his wishes.
After watching both games he made it very clear which team was his favorite! Take a look for yourself.
OMG Jackson is sooooo cute!!! Keep posting pics when you can. I miss you guys!!!
Jax sure does look happy in that skins outfit. The burgandy brings out those rosy cheeks! the blog looks great!
Jackson is so adorable. I understand his team dilemma as well. I'm a huge Skins fan but I do have a small place in my heart for the Steelers mostly because I have a little crush on Ben Roethlisberger. I'm glad you both are doing so well. Take care and keep cheering for those Skins!!!
I saw Jackson in his Redskins Shirt, it made me laugh too!
(Caption over that picture)
"Oh Dad, you are such a kidder. You are a real funny guy dad." When you get serious, and put me in a "Real" NFL Steeler's Jersey, I will get serious also.
Nice try Bryan, but my understanding & experience with children over rides your hopes and dreams. It's a rookie mistake & I understand.
Pap knows best. And I want you to know, I would never do anything to embarrass my grandson!
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